Rabbi Naftali Citron

Rabbi of The Carlebach Shul, Manhattan, NY

website: carlebachshul.org

email: rabbi@carlebachshul.org

Yehuda Green

Chazzan, The Carlebach Shul
Concert Performer

website: www.yehudagreen.com

email: info@yehudagreen.com

Emuna Witt HaLevi

Teacher, Transcriber of Reb Shlomo Torahs
Jerusalem, Israel

email: emunawitt14@yahoo.com

Leah Golomb

Teacher from
Moshav Meor Modi'im, Israel

website: www.leahgolomb.com

email: michleah@gmail.com

Rabbi Dr. Natan Ophir (Offenbacher)

Author of the first academic biography about Reb Shlomo
Jerusalem, Israel
Facebook: The New Reb Shlomo Carlebach Biography
email: carlebachbook@gmail.com

Rabbi Shlomo Katz

Teacher, Musician, Composer, Concert Performer, Editor of books of Reb Shlomo's teachings, living in Efrat, Israel Website: http://www.shlomokatz.com

email: shlomokatzmusic@gmail.com

Yehudah Katz

Musician and teacher

website: yehudahkatz.com

email: reval7@netvision.net.il

Rabbi Raz Hartman

Rabbi at Veani Tfila
Jerusalem, Israel

email: veanitfila@gmail.com

Rabbi Avraham Aryea Trugman

Teacher, author and musician
from Moshav Mevo Modi'im
Director of Ohr Chadash: New Horizons in Jewish Experience

website: www.thetrugmans.com

Rebbetzin Rachel Trugman

Teacher, author and musician
from Moshav Mevo Modi'im
Director of Ohr Chadash: New Horizons in Jewish Experience
website: www.thetrugmans.com

Rebbetzin Judy Brodt

Guiders and teaches programs, trips and classes at Yeshivat Simchat Shlomo and Shevach Torah in Nachlaot, Jerusalem, Israel

website: www.shlomoyeshiva.org

email: info@shlomoyeshiva.org

Rabbi Sammy (Shmuel Chaim) Intrator

Rabbi Sammy (Shmuel Chaim) Intrator was Reb Shlomo's manager and student for many years. He was the rabbi of the Carlebach Shul in Manhattan after Reb Shlomo's passing and is currently a rabbi in Miami Beach Florida.

email: KavanahLife@aol.com

Rabbi Doctor Moshe Rothkopf

Chalonei Rokea - The Carlebach Minyan in the Old City
#3 Hamalch st. Old City (Rova), Jerusalem

Reb Mimi Feigelson

Masphiah Ruchanit and
Lecturer of Rabbinic Studies
at the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies,
in the American Jewish University.

email: mfeigelson@aju.edu


C Lanzbom and Noah Solomon
Musicians in NYC

website: soulfarm.net

email: soulfarm@gmail.com